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We present you excellent family house with huge backyard and beautiful garden! The house is fully furnished and equipped with all necessary for permanent living or for vacations. This strong and stylish house was built in 1986 in small and peaceful city of Knezha. The area is very beautiful and have excellent conditions for hunting or fishing tourism. There are 5 bedrooms, big living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, a restroom, 3 room basement, 4 balconies and huge ceiling. There is garage and 3 parking lots inside the yard. The yard itself is 2000 sq.m. There is also charming traditional BBQ, conservatory, workshop. There is amazing garden with a lot of plants including exotic one like bananas and palm trees. There are air conditioners (3) and heating system.
There is a hospital, schools, kindergartens, banks, restaurants , coffee places and police department in Knezha city. Knezha is located in Pleven region and have rich cultural heritage - a Thracian civilisation, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire. There are many historical places and cultural artefacts.
MagnoliaProperty.co.uk is a private sale website, advertising properties Worldwide for sale and rent. Advertisers potentially save thousands of pounds in estate agent fees, and buyers can benefit from the lower prices these savings can result in.