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Casa Soomi, A wonderful, fully restored property ready to move into.
This is a large established house distributed over 3 floors, with an well laid out garden, guest apartment, swimming pool and pool utility/shower room. What more could a home here in Le Marche offer.
With the level of the land you enter the property for the main living accommodation in the lower section of the house. This first floor contains a kitchen, dining room, living area with a fireplace.
From this floor you have access to the first and second floor containing 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and also an outbuilding that contains the independent guest accommodation. Here you have a further bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, dining room with direct access to the pool.
From the main kitchen on the ground floor there is access to a lovely terrace with pergola for al fresco dining.
The garden area, there is a further loggia with the inclusion of a bread oven, garage, and extensive well laid grounds with established trees and of course to finish everything off a beautiful swimming pool that has beside an outdoor shower.
Distributed Over: 3 Floors
Features:An extensive established property ready to use.
Utilities: Gas, Water, Electricity, and Telephone