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STONE FARM HOUSE En Paardenfokkerij
440 Smq | 17 Rooms | Garage | 6 Bedrooms | 7 Bathrooms
TUSCANY - BETWEEN PRATO AND BARBERINO DI MUGELLO - FLORENCE - FARM - HORSE BREEDING composed of large stone farmhouse of approx. 300 already equipped for agritourism activities, as well as two outbuildings of approx. 100 the first and sqm. 40 the second, 20 hectares of surrounding land (land can be purchased up to 50 hectares) and a small church. Position of great panoramic and beauty.
The farmhouse has been completely renovated using precious materials in compliance with the Tuscan style. Beautiful ceilings with terracotta beams and terracotta tiles, terracotta floors, bathrooms with attention to every detail; furnished and ready for farm holidays use, it is also suitable as a country house for private use and the rooms currently used as a restaurant can be transformed into large living areas, with splendid stone walls.
There is a paddock for horses, equipped and illuminated.
the main farmhouse is composed on the ground floor entrance, service bathroom, kitchen, a room with fireplace, a double living room and a third room, arcade. On the first floor: large hallway, 5 double bedrooms with private bathroom and a lounge which is accessed from the original ancient portal. Apart from a small kitchen room on the ground floor with independent entrance and on the upper floor with bedroom and bathroom. all for a net surface of approx. About 300.
possibility to built a pool
The whole property is practicable with vehicles. Good road conditions. Reachable from the A1 highway exit Barberino di Mugello (FI)
APE class C Kwh / m2. 83.41 per year