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Moving house is always an adventure.
Even if you know the language or haven`t moved from far away, sometimes the rules can be different.
Our agency is French-Portuguese-English-Dutch, because like you, we also settled in Central Portugal, not knowing everything about the country, the language, the customs .... Now that we are settled here, we personally know how to anticipate your doubts and can help you with all your questions.
Portugalissimmo is the guarantee that you will be understood, whether you are Portuguese or a foreigner, but also (and above all) the guarantee that you will be heard.
We want to give you the answers you need.
The reality is that we will enable you to settle in this beautiful region, in this beautiful country, without any problems, by guiding you before, during and after your purchase.
It`s not just about buying a house.
Sometimes it is an investment, financial or personal, sometimes it is a quiet renovation project, but it is almost always a great adventure!
We work for you, to be the key to a nice life in Portugal, with the possibility of a successful, positive and happy life in your new home AMI 16929